5 Tips From Office Builders for Constructing an Office Design to Increase Productivity in the Bergen County, NJ, Area

When you are thinking about the design of an office space and considering potential colors, materials, and layout options, you could center some of your choices on an important aspect of your business—employee productivity. The fact is how your office is designed will affect the way employees move about and get their job done. These five tips from office builders will help you achieve an office that increases productivity in the Bergen, NJ, area.

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1. Consider the Lighting

If an employee cannot see well in their office space then that can lead to eye strain, headaches, fatigue, and in turn a decrease in productivity. An office that is well lit will allow employees to comfortably see their computers and paperwork.

One of the best ways to achieve a well lit office is to maximize the use of natural light if possible. Large windows will contribute to letting in an abundance of natural light. However, there will be situations where natural light is not going to be enough. In these instances, LED lights are ideal because they can simulate natural light the best, which will keep employees comfortable.

2. Create an Outdoor Space

Whether there is a rooftop area, a large balcony, or a courtyard, designing an office with an outdoor space in mind is a great way to give employees somewhere peaceful to get away. Outdoor spaces can be made even more relaxing with the addition of plants and flowers as well as seating areas. Being able to take advantage of some time outdoors while working in an office all day is proven to improve employee’s moods and productivity.

3. Add Some Color

Although it is common to have office walls painted white, it does not necessarily promote productivity in employees. Instead of choosing a typical white or gray, consider using colors such as blues or greens. Even in muted tones, they have been shown to help with employee happiness, which will lead to employees being more productive.

4. Eliminate Noise If Possible

Noise can be a big distraction for employees so when designing an office space, you will want to do anything possible to eliminate outside noise as well as noise from other areas in the office. In many instances when employees are not being productive, they state it is due to excess noise.

Sound-absorbing flooring can be a great addition to an office space that will potentially be noisy. There are also acoustic wall panels that can be utilized to block out some of the noise as well as cubicles and wall partitions.

In addition to materials that will help eliminate noise, you also want to take into consideration the layout of the office space. Have quiet spaces built for employees to go if they need a break or need to take an important phone call, store equipment that could be noisy such as faxes and printers in a separate area, and group together employees who are doing the same type of work.

5. Opt for Higher Ceilings

Higher ceilings have been linked to productivity, how people feel, and how they think. When an office space has low ceilings, it can lead employees to feel trapped and increase stress. If you have the option to design the space with high ceilings, it can potentially lead to a vast improvement in employee productivity.

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